1. Dutta Priyanka and Sankar Maiti. (2015) Expression of Multiple Formins in Adult Tissues and During Developmental Stages of Mouse Brain. Accepted for publication.

2. Kumar Nitesh, Somlata, Mazumder M, Dutta P, Maiti S and Gourinath S. (2014) EhCoactosin stabilizes actin filaments in the protist parasite Entamoeba histolytica. PLOS Pathogens. 2014, PPATHOGENS-D-14-00504R1.In Press

3. Datta, A, Dutta P, Sadhu A, Maiti S and S Bhattacharyya, (2013) Single-step Scalable Conversion of Waste Natural Oils to Carbon Nanowhiskers and their Interaction with Mammalian Cells. J. Nanopart. Res. 15:180

4. Maiti S* and JR, Bamburg.* (2013) Actin Capping and Severing Proteins. Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry. 2nd Edition in Press. Edited by William J. Lennarz, M. Daniel Lane. Academic Press. (* both are corresponding author).

5. Maiti S, Michelot A, Gould C, Blanchoin L, Sokolova O, Goode BL. (2012). Structure and activity of full-length formin mDia1. Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). 69:393-405.

6. Alam J, Maiti S, Ghosh P, De R, Chowdhury A, Das S, Macaden R, Devarbhavi H, Ramamurthy T, Mukhopadhyay AK. (2012) Signifiant association of the dupA gene of Helicobacter pylori with duodenal ulcer development in a South-east Indian population. J Med Microbiol. 61:1295-302.

7. Pal, S.; Das, A.; Maiti, S. and P De. (2012) Biodegradation and In-Vitro Biocompatibility of Polyperoxides: An Alternating Copolymers of Vinyl Monomers and Molecular Oxygen. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 23: 2105-2117.

8. Pal, S.; Das, A. Maiti, S and P. De. (2012) Synthesis and characterization of a biodegradable polymer prepared via radical copolymerization of 2-(acetoacetoxy)ethyl methacrylate and molecular oxygen. Polymer Chemistry, 3:182-189.

9. Gould CJ, Maiti S, Michelot A, Graziano BR, Blanchoin L and Goode BL. (2011) The Formin DAD Domain Plays Dual Roles in Autoinhibition and Actin Nucleation. Curr Biol.

10. Minamide LS, Maiti S, Boyle JA, Davis RC, Coppinger JA, Bao Y, Huang TY, Yates J, Bokoch GM, Bamburg JR. (2010) Isolation and characterization of cytoplasmic cofilin actin rods. J Biol Chem. 285:5450-60.

11. Lu J, Meng W, Poy F, Maiti S, Goode BL and Eck MJ (2007) Structure of the FH2 domain of Daam1: implications for formin regulation of actin assembly. J Mol Biol. 369:1258-69.

12. Moseley JB, Maiti S, and Goode BL. (2006) Formin proteins: purification and measurement of effects on actin assembly. Methods in Enzymology Chapter 16, Volume 406.

13. Juliana Soosairajah*, Sankar Maiti*, Patrick Sarmiere, Nathalie Moussi, O’Neil Wiggan, James R. Bamburg and Ora Bernard. (2005) The Interplay between LIM kinase1, Slingshot Phosphatase and F-actin Regulates the Phosphorylation of ADF/cofilin. EMBO J. 24(3):473-86. (* contributed eqully).

14. Maiti, S and JR Bamburg. (2004) Actin Capping and Severing Proteins. Encyclopedia of Biological Chemistry. Edited by William J. Lennarz, M. Daniel Lane.Academic Press September 2004.

15. Graber, S. Maiti, S. and Halpain S. (2004). Cathepsin B-like proteolysis and MARCKS degradation in sub-lethal NMDA-induced collapse of dendritic spines. Neuropharmacology. 47(5):706-13.

16. Alisa E. Shaw, Laurie S. Minamide, Christine L. Bill, Janel D. Fink, Sankar Maiti and James R. Bamburg. (2004). Cross-reactivity of antibodies to ADF/cofilin family proteins and identification of the major epitope recognized by a mammalian ADF/cofilin antibody. Electrophoresis, 25(15):2611-20.

17. Sadhu Leelavathi, Naveen Gupta, Shankar Maiti, Amit Ghosh and Vanga Siva Reddy. (2003)Overproduction of an alkali- and thermo-stable xylanase in tobacco chloroplasts and efficient recovery of the enzyme. Molecular Breeding. 11(1):59-67.

18. Maiti S, Luthra-Guptasarma M, Guptasarma P. (2002). Phenomenological perspectives on the folding of beta/alpha-barrel domains through the modular formation and assembly of smaller structural elements. IUBMB Life. 54(4): 213-21.

19. S. Chokraborty, P. Gurg, T. Ramamurthy, M. thungapatra, J. K. Gautam, C. Kumar, S. Maiti, S. Yamasaki, T. Shimada, Y. Takeda, A. Ghosh and G.B. Nair. (2001) Comparison ofantibiogram, virulance gene, ribotypes and DNA fingerprints of Vibrio cholerae of matching serogroups isolated from hospitalised diarrhoea cases and from the environment during 1997-1998 in calcutta, India. J. Med. Microbiol. 50: 879-888.

20. Gupta N, Reddy VS, Maiti S, Ghosh A. (2000) Cloning, expression, and sequence analysis of the gene encoding the alkali-stable, thermostable endoxylanase from alkalophilic, mesophilic Bacillus sp. Strain NG-27. Appl Environ Microbiol, 66(6): 2631-5.

21. Bag PK, Maiti S, Sharma C, Ghosh A, Basu A, Mitra R, Bhattacharya SK, Nakamura S, Yamasaki S, Takeda Y, Balakrish Nair G. (199 Rapid spread of the new clone of Vibrio cholerae O1 biotype El Tor in cholera endemic areas in India. Epidemiol Infect 121(2): 245-51.

22. Sharma C, Maiti S, Mukhopadhyay AK, Basu A, Basu I, Nair GB, Mukhopadhyaya R, Das B, Kar S, Ghosh RK, Ghosh A. (1997) Unique organization of the CTX genetic element in Vibrio cholerae O139 strains which reemerged in Calcutta, India, in September 1996. J Clin Microbiol, 35(12): 3348-50.

23. Reddy, Vanga Siva; Leelavathi, Sadhu; Gupta, Naveen; Maiti, Sankar; Ghosh, Amit “Xylanase Production” (High level production and cost effective purification of alkali and thermostable xylanase from chloroplast transformed tobacco plants). Patent Filed jointly with ICGEB in UK and PCT countries. Ref. N. 8179A GCW/AB.